Troubleshooting: I just got my Kranzle and it's dripping / leaking oil!

While we would prefer to not ever see any oil leaking from these machines, it may just be some residual oil from shipping or from manufacturing. These machines are built to stay only in the upright position and the seals that keep the oil in are not meant to keep oil in the machine when turned on its side or upside-down.

See an official response from Kranzle USA below:

Our main concern is if the machine spent time on it’s side during shipping, and that is how oil leaked out. If this is the case when the unit got used the first time, that dried oil on the housing and other parts then warms up and it drips, making it seem like oil is leaking. This is the case in some of the ones we’ve gotten back and could not repeat the oil leaks. Customers should follow the following steps to try and diagnose the problem to confirm whether it's a shipping issue or if the machine has a defect:

  1. Clean up the unit, wipe down all residual oil.
  2. Make sure everything caps, bolts, and is tight.
  3. Run the unit for a good solid use, not just a quick wash down, but put to use for a good hour or so.
  4. Let the unit sit for 24hrs and see if more oil leaks. 

If you have had your machine for a while and are just now noticing some oil collecting on the shelf or under the unit, it could have been from shipping, and you never noticed. If you notice your machine actively leaking oil, please look at this article: Troubleshooting: Kranzle leaking oil from the bottom of the casing - Kranzle Pump Oil Leak.

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