How To: Setting up a Wall-Mounted Kranzle Inside with an External Hose Reel Outside

In some scenarios, it may be necessary to have a pressure washer mounted inside your garage but have the hose reel mounted on the outside. Having everything in one single location on the inside of the garage is always preferred, but if you want to try it with the reel mounted outside, here's how you can do it:

Typically, our Custom Install Solution has a 3' jumper hose going from the pressure washer to the hose reel. It is the same setup with an external hose reel, just with a longer hose. If you want to attach the hose permanently, you should run it through a conduit or piping in the walls, or the hose by itself is also acceptable. If you want to run a hose out to the reel when needed and keep it wrapped up anytime else, then a QD connection at the reel will make sense. 

For a permanent mount setup, here's what you need: 

Pressure washer > Stainless Steel M22 Female (14mm) to 3/8" Quick Disconnect Plug Stainless Steel 3/8" Female Quick Disconnect Coupler High-Pressure Hose | Pressure Washing Hose (or whatever length makes sense) > inlet to Black Cox Hand Crank Hose Reel

For a QD connectable setup, here's what you need: 

Pressure washer > Stainless Steel M22 Female (14mm) to 3/8" Quick Disconnect Plug >Stainless Steel 3/8" Female Quick Disconnect Coupler High Pressure Hose | Pressure Washing Hose (or whatever length makes sense) > Stainless Steel 3/8" Female Quick Disconnect Coupler >Stainless Steel 3/8" Male Quick Disconnect Plug  > inlet to Black Cox Hand Crank Hose Reel

One reason that this type of use appeals to some people is so they can keep their pressure washer tucked away, out of sight. However, if you plan on keeping your machine hidden away so that you can use an external switch, it won't be easy. The Kranzle machines have GFCI protections built-in and will reset the power switch and GFCI plug every time it is unplugged or power to the plug has been lost. So if you want to set up an external switch, this wonโ€™t work. Keep this in mind if you wish for a tucked-away system. 

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