Swisstrax Structural Strength & Resistance

Swisstrax Structural Strength & Resistance

Virtually indestructible. Swisstrax Ribtrax tiles can handle tons and tons of roll-over weight (70,000lbs) and have a compressive strength of 3120 PSI. Combine that with high chemical and heat resistance and you have a flooring material that is built to last. Unlike epoxy where any damage ruins the entire floor, if you do manage to damage a tile, simply replace that single tile and you're back in action.

Built to Last

Because of weight distribution, Swisstrax Ribtrax can handle virtually anything you can throw at it. With 70,000lbs of roll-over weight resistance for the entire tile, that overstuffed 17’ long toolbox that you have isn’t going to be an issue. Even floor jacks are fine on Ribtrax tiles. The weight is distributed to the contact points evenly and there’s enough surface area on the wheels of floor jacks that they are fully supported and won’t damage the tiles. Obviously, any vehicle will be fine as well. This is what these tiles are made for and they are engineered to keep up with the most rigorous tasks. 

Jack stands will also work, but you need to be careful about which ones you’re using. If your jack stands have a flat pad on each of the four corners then you are fine, the weight will be evenly distributed and the contact point is wide enough. But if your jack stands are sharp or then metal with no flat pad, it’s highly recommended that you put down a piece of plywood or similar to keep from gouging the tiles. You don’t need to baby this flooring, but just be aware that sharp metals and high weight is probably not a good idea on plastic. 

Highly Resistant

Along with super strength, Swisstrax Ribtrax tiles are highly resistant to all types of environments and liquids. 

  • Temperature tolerances of -22°F to +248°F and a fire rating of HB
  • Fade-resistant with built-in UV stabilizer
  • Resistant to oil, gas, acid, and solvents

Easy to Swap Out

“I dropped my 992 GT3 Cup engine on my flooring and dented a tile. Now what!?”

Fortunately, you have a cup car, so the engine isn’t as heavy as an F350 Super Duty, but you still have an issue that needs to be addressed: The engine fell and dented a tile or two. With how easy it is to pull up a tile and unclip from the surrounding tiles, it takes no time at all to swap out the bad tile for a brand new fresh one. If you had an epoxy floor and chipped it or scratched it really bad, forget about fixing just that spot. To do it right you’re going to be redoing the entire floor, which likely means that you’d be just dealing with the damage for the foreseeable future. Or at least until you had enough damage throughout that you needed to replace the whole floor.  Now, with Swisstrax you can be back to fresh again in a pinch. 

We always recommend speccing your floor with a few extra tiles to keep on hand for the off chance that something like this happens.

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