Why does my Kranzle pressure gauge show a high or low pressure-reading?

Kranzle Pressure Gauge Inconsistency

So there are a couple of things at work here. The first is that the gauge on the Kranzle is not accurate for displaying the actual output coming out of the tip since it's just reading the pump. The only way to really get a more accurate reading is with an inline pressure gauge as close to the sprayer as possible. When we test, we use a gauge between the end of the outlet hose and the sprayer.

The other thing is that with the Mosmatic sprayer/wand and the 4.0/4.5 nozzle, we’re really dialing down the pressure to about 1000 PSI. This is the optimal pressure you want for cleaning vehicles and gives you almost 2.0 GPM, which we’re shooting for.

The only way to get the full-rated PSI is with the stock Kranzle sprayer and wand with their nozzles. But with that, you end up with a subpar experience and not enough GPM.

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